Sylvestra Bianchi Sings About Signs From The Universe in Her Cosmic Rock “Ethereal Wings”


The music brings in the lyrics the message that you can’t see, but you can fly to the sky you wish

São Paulo, December 14th, 2022 – The brazilian singer Sylvestra Bianchi releases single and music video “Ethereal Wings”. The artist created the “Cosmic Rock” style, the union of music with spirituality. The new song is a dance hit with a message from the angels. Looks like indie music, trip hop, dream pop, acid jazz, r&b, a journey to the peace of mind with many styles together. The music is available on all digital platforms and is a release by the brazilian music label Marã Música.

In Sylvestra’s path of self-knowledge, when she learned to pray, she asked as a confirmation of her faith in God that He send a feather on her way. The next day, at work, he found a feather on his desk, so she understood that that conversation with love and trust was being supported by the greater light.

The artist explains: “The song is a reference to the faith of believing that we are guided to overcome our obstacles in life, to overcome ourselves, to dream high and achieve our goals and desires in life! The things we don’t see, but we feel, that helps us to have strength and self-confidence every day”.

Sylvestra Bianchi, who started her artistic career in 2016, has already surpassed 770k streams in her discography on Spotify. Her first single was “Lightworkers”, which arrived on music apps in October 2019, and the most recent “Adoça a Alma”, in bossa nova style, released by Marã Música. The artist received several testimonials that this song helped people feel better, which goes against the artist’s purpose of bringing peace of mind through music.

With each song, Sylvestra Bianchi brings a new message, varying the musical aspects to convey good energies and consciences. She created Cosmic Rock to have creative freedom and follow her intuitive spiritual songwriting process.

Watch the music video on YouTube channel

About Marã Música:

Company specialized in Marketing and Public Relations, within the music market, founded in January 2018 in the city of Jundiaí, in the state of São Paulo/Brazil. Conceived and managed by Henrique Roncoletta, vocalist and composer of the band NDK, Marã Música works to connect artists with brands and companies, in addition to managing their image, careers, projects, artistic productions and cultural events.