Nigerian-American artist Liloraks drops new single “Love UCee”


“Chukwudebelu Orakwelu” born on, August 25, 2003, is a Nigerian born American rapper known professionally as “Liloraks”. On his 19th birthday, he released “Love UCee”, his first ever single under his label “ORAKS”. Raised in Atlanta, Georgia, the rapper is known for his songwriting skills. His catchy lyrics blend nicely in the wide genres of Hip-hop, Trap, and R&B. Inspired and heavily influenced by the Hip-hop artists from Atlanta like Young thug, Future, and Lil Baby, the rapper always had a feeling of becoming a rapper growing up.

The song “Love UCee”, released on the rapper’s 19th birthday is about his brother “Ucee” who he lost. Uche Orakwelu had a kidney disease that he was battling before he passed away. As you can hear in the lyrics of the first verse of the song. ‘’We lost UCee to a kidney disease’ ’The death of his brother got to the young artist and pushed him into believing in himself, his purpose in life, and his music. The rapper believes dedicating his first ever single to his departed brother will be the first of many things to accomplish his goal, which is to be a successful Hip-hop artist. With a lot of potentials, Liloraks is ready to take his career in music to the next step in the Hiphop scene of Atlanta.

“I’ve decided to take music seriously as a career and become one of the best artists in today’s leading generation. I’d like people to think or feel loved when they hear my songs or the story I try to portray. I want them to feel inspired as well.” – Liloraks.

The song “Love UCee” starts with his sister calling him with the sad news of the death of his brother. The rapper recalls the times he had with his brother from his childhood. His brother taught him so many things. Ucee was like a father figure to Liloraks who fought and stood up for him whenever he needed.

UCee was a well-known lawyer and loved his career and was one of the people Liloraks looked up to when growing up. UCee would always inspire Liloraks to be a better person and to do the right things in life.

It was hard for the rapper to take each step to release the song, but he knew he had to do it. Liloraks believes it’d be a milestone if people listen to his song and feel his lyrics. The rapper now plans on dropping more songs. In maybe a couple of weeks we get to hear more from Liloraks. The rapper hopes to make a difference in the music industry and that every listener will love what he offers, and we are to expect hits upon hits in these coming years. He is working on dropping his next single titled ‘’Street Dreams’’ but hasn’t given a date yet.

In his spare time, when Liloraks is not working on songs, keeps himself busy creating new fashion designs for his clothing brand, which is known by the label and brand name “ORAK.

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Listen his Songs on Spotify.